How much is too much detail?

One reader (anonymous, of course) recently sprinkled many of my stories with comments saying the sex scenes were not detailed enough.

For example:

If You Want It: Nice premise. Well written. But sex, when it happens is too rushed. Four stars.

For Her Too: There are times when it seem as if you’re in a hurry to get past what’s going on. For example: “I had always been able to read Melissa’s reactions well, but Susan was unexplored territory. I played and teased, trying things I knew Melissa loved, trying other things just to see Susan’s reactions.” What were those things? How did Melissa’s reactions differ from Susan’s?

All for you: Would have liked more dialog between them when engaging in sexual activities. Telling each other what they like. Do it differently. Slower. Faster. Harder. Softer. Should I do more? Do you watch porn? What kind do you like best? Do you masturbate? How often? What do you visualize when you’re masturbating? Do you ever masturbate thinking about me? What do you imagine we do to each other?

Sometimes you have to wonder if the commenter even read the stories. All for You, for example, is about an inhibited girl who in the heat of the moment lets herself go with a guy she trusts. The guy asking if she watches porn and whether she masturbates to him would be absurd.

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Like No One’s Watching updated

It took a week to get approved, but a revised version of Like No One’s Watching has just gone live on Literotica. It rounds off some of the rough edges of the original story and heightens the tension a bit. If you loved or hated the first version, give it a re-read and let me know what you think.

This version is identical to the one posted on Lush Stories last week, which earned a Recommended Read and has been a tremendous hit, by Lush standards. Lush doesn’t have anywhere near the readership of Literotica, and the readers there seem to prefer different types of stories. Stories that appeal to Lit readers never seem to get much reaction on Lush.

I’m still not sure why this story has been so well-received at Lush. Response on Literotica has been okay but not great. Perhaps Lush readers can relate because they listened to Death Metal in their youth more than Lit readers? Or work in high tech?

Regardless, I’m infinitely grateful for the warm comments and votes received from readers on both sites. There’s nothing more rewarding to a hack writer like me than seeing people are enjoying something I’ve written.