Last autumn a close family member died. It was unexpected, rapid and indescribably horrible to witness. Based on the evidence, it’s affected me far more than I admitted, especially in my writing.

Grief should spur a writer’s creativity rather than hinder it. So I guess that means I’m not a writer yet after all, seeing as how I haven’t produced a single viable work since then. My apologies to all my faithful readers.

I’ve lots of ideas, some in particular born from this personal ordeal that are worth perusing. But it seems so wrong to use such events as inspiration for tawdry purposes like erotica.

One bright spark was a reader writing to say I’m “a fantastic writer” and “almost poetic.” What an unexpected, wonderful compliment! I read it whenever I need energy.

It’s amazing when any of my stories elicit a response. I’m a hack, with no creative writing experience worth mentioning. Yet the effluent I’ve written has sparked incredible reactions from some readers. It’s surprising and very, very inspirational.

Anyway, I am plugging away on stories. Like I wrote last, I have one that’s been a hell of a slog I hope to release very soon, and a few light-n-fluffy stories in the same vein as the Warmer by the Lake series.

Thank you for faithfully checking on my blog. I know it’s been a while since my last story. I’m working hard not to disappoint with my next.